Manuscript Writing

A medical article is a printed report elaborating on the research results and provides the basis for communication on scientific issues. A medical writing is the basis for explaining and sharing research results. Our expert team of experienced medical doctors provides medical article writing services in the field of health sciences. VeritasCRO controls the flow of thought and consistency at every stage of the article, since originality is of high significance in the medical article. The writing of medical articles should focus more on the creative and intellectual aspects of research than on technical issues. Writing an article requires continuous improvement of knowledge and competencies in accordance with better and up-to-date scientific literature evidence.

For medical article writing, a specific algorithm is created that continues with summary statements, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, references, and conclusion. The purpose of this algorithm is to provide a structural backbone to the article. The purpose of the introduction is to explicitly introduce the subject and avoid excessive vocabulary. The Methods section is one of the most important parts of a scientific paper and its purpose is to provide all the necessary details to replicate the study. The results section consists of the presentation of the collected data. The main purpose of the discussion is to explain the meaning of the results. Conclusion is a separate, final paragraph in which the previously expressed concepts should be presented briefly and clearly.

It ensures that the offerings meet the highest ethical standards. It ensures that the studies are written in accordance with the format and technical conditions requested by the editorial board and in a certain order. It serves science by utilizes analytical thinking and problem solving. High quality and secure writing services are provided for article writing, medical report formation, and paper presentation and poster preparation.



1.The Write Stuff- The Journal for European Medical Writer- Vol. 18, No.2, ISSN 1854-8466, 2019

2.Giancarlo Maria Liumbruno et all. How to write a scientific manuscript for publication, Blood Transfus ; 11: 217-26 DOI 10.2450/2012.0247-12, 2013

3.Padma R. Jirge, Preparing and Publishing a Scientific Manuscript, J Hum Reprod Sci. ; 10(1): 3–9. doi: 10.4103/jhrs.JHRS_36_17 PMCID: PMC5405644 PMID: 28479, Jan-Mar 2017 

4.Siti Setiati, Kuntjoro Harimurti, Writing for Scientific Medical Manuscript: a Guide for Preparing Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals, Vol 39 • Number 1 • Jan- Mar 2007

Writing a lot, writing quickly does not matter. The world does not look at how you write it, but what you have written .

George Henry Lewis